EAPM in designing HVAC systems.
An accurately sized heating and cooling system can save initial investments because it will get rid of the costs associated with unnecessary capacity in your systems. This unnecessary capacity in combination with poor efficiency prolongs your return on investment.
A properly sized A/C or heat pump will help boost IAQ with balanced airflow and moisture removal. This helps prevent stagnant indoor conditions and issues with mold and mildew, bacterial growth, dust mite proliferation and a host of other IAQ concerns.
We can help lower cooling bills with optimal indoor humidity level because as we reduce indoor moisture the air in the home will feel more comfortable and less warm which will reduce the time needed to run the A/C and heat pump.
Our properly designed HVAC systems will increase your customer’s satisfactions and it will help lower costs for your construction. EAPM is committed to our mission of creating energy efficient homes through smart design and proper HVAC system sizing practices.